Monday, June 16, 2008

The Meeting Space + Dining Table - Final

The concept surrounding the dining table, is rather simple. The 'claw' concept which overshadows the whole table is symbolic. It is symbolic because both clients to some extent have been overshadowed in some way or other over the course of their careers. For Jobs, he has forever been in the shadow of Bill Gates, and although is successful and powerful in his own right, still isnt as well recognised as Bill Gates, head of Microsoft. In Donatella Versace's case, she has lived in the shadows of her brother, the late Gianni Versace, and has really only gained power over the Versace empire since Gianni died.

I had decided to limit the lighting in the meeting space which reflected the concept of "overshadowed".

In terms of the textures used, I had decided to use a texture that reflected Jobs to more of an extent, as the texture symbolised a 'bit' of a computer, however the textures both on the top and bottom reflect more of a feminine touch, thus catering to Versace's needs.

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