Monday, June 16, 2008

Jobs Space- The Final Images

The Textures used for the final stretch of the Jobs space symbolise an age where computers and technology has grown immensely, hence the extravagence of the textures. The textures were a bit literal with the word of power, as it seems as if a jolt of electricity is running through the environment, however, they make the environment look spectacular, and show off a 'no limits' approach, mirroring Apple's expansion to not only computers, but now phones and mp3 players

The Exterior of the Jobs space centres around the themes of Grandeur and Elegance. The shiny and somewhat refelctive textures which have been used on the exterior mirrora creative and groundbreaking aura which the Apple Corperation has.
This is the begininng of Jobs' 'Long Road to Glory' which showcases the trials and tribulations of a man who has almost single handedly made Apple famous. The walk through the Jobs space is supposed to give the client himself a reminder of the Long Road to greatness in which he has travelled.

The fact that this particular image shows the walls 'closing in' on the client perhaps allows them to reminisce about times where things were not going so smoothly for them. In Job's case, it may reflect the pressure exerted on Apple by the leading worldwide computer company Microsoft.

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