Monday, June 16, 2008

The Environment as a Whole - Final Images

These are the images which showcase the environment as a whole, Notice how there are no striking textures for the supports? - There is a reason why, and I'll Explain it below.

I found that adding colour to the structrual supports which allow the 3 spaces to interconnect would take focus away from the actual spaces themselves. Therefore I left them a dull concrete colour, so that theyre role was determine, as supports, no more, no less. Thus the full attention is placed upon the Three Spaces themselves.

The Elevators - Final Images

The Versace elevator was all about 'class'. However this doesnt mean that I was to go over the top with the design, for Versace, it was about simplicity and I believe the elevator suited to Versaces needs quite well, as well as looked very good with the custom hand drawn tecture applied to it!
The Jobs Elevator was very literal, as you can easily tell, it the Apple Logo. Again this caters for Jobs needs similarly to how Versaces needs are covered in her elevator. The "iElevator" makes Jobs feel at home, and comfortable, as he certainly is no stranger to the logo!

The Versace Space - Final Images

The adjustments to the Versace Space include a series of steps in which onlookers in the Versace space can sit on. The concept surrounds the 'runway' which runs down the elongated axis of the Versace Office, which is somewhat like a 'catwalk'. This is so versace can feel right at home in her office, as she is such a prominent figure in the fashion industry.

The uniquness of the Versace Space is reflective upon Donatella Versace's growth as a figure in the fashion industry both before and after the death of the late Gianni Versace. The Lower area only consists of one elongated pentagonal axis which runs all the way through the space, symbolising Donatella Versace's limited power when her brother was alive. Since his death, she has taken over the reigns of the Verscace empire as showcased by the dual pentagonal combination of spaces in the upper part of the space. Thus symbolic of her increase in power.

The Meeting Space + Dining Table - Final

The concept surrounding the dining table, is rather simple. The 'claw' concept which overshadows the whole table is symbolic. It is symbolic because both clients to some extent have been overshadowed in some way or other over the course of their careers. For Jobs, he has forever been in the shadow of Bill Gates, and although is successful and powerful in his own right, still isnt as well recognised as Bill Gates, head of Microsoft. In Donatella Versace's case, she has lived in the shadows of her brother, the late Gianni Versace, and has really only gained power over the Versace empire since Gianni died.

I had decided to limit the lighting in the meeting space which reflected the concept of "overshadowed".

In terms of the textures used, I had decided to use a texture that reflected Jobs to more of an extent, as the texture symbolised a 'bit' of a computer, however the textures both on the top and bottom reflect more of a feminine touch, thus catering to Versace's needs.

Jobs Space- The Final Images

The Textures used for the final stretch of the Jobs space symbolise an age where computers and technology has grown immensely, hence the extravagence of the textures. The textures were a bit literal with the word of power, as it seems as if a jolt of electricity is running through the environment, however, they make the environment look spectacular, and show off a 'no limits' approach, mirroring Apple's expansion to not only computers, but now phones and mp3 players

The Exterior of the Jobs space centres around the themes of Grandeur and Elegance. The shiny and somewhat refelctive textures which have been used on the exterior mirrora creative and groundbreaking aura which the Apple Corperation has.
This is the begininng of Jobs' 'Long Road to Glory' which showcases the trials and tribulations of a man who has almost single handedly made Apple famous. The walk through the Jobs space is supposed to give the client himself a reminder of the Long Road to greatness in which he has travelled.

The fact that this particular image shows the walls 'closing in' on the client perhaps allows them to reminisce about times where things were not going so smoothly for them. In Job's case, it may reflect the pressure exerted on Apple by the leading worldwide computer company Microsoft.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The 36 Textures

Rotational: Linear
Scalar; Unique
Transitional; Fading

Friday, June 13, 2008

Meeting Space - UT Textures Applied - Excluding Dining Table

These particular screenshots encapsulate both the Versace and Jobs Space in one package. The application of the green and black texture, mirrors more of the computer generation theme, of which Jobs is extremely prominent, in saying that, the texture seems to represent the inside of a computer, which relates well to the theme that is being applied to jobs. I still applied a similar texture to represent Versace, although the colour scheme reflected a must more feminine and fashinable theme. I thought the Magenta and White seemed to compliment eachother well in the whole makeup of the texture, thats what fashion is all about, complimenting colours and styles to suit diffrent taste, something a fashionista like Donatella Versace would easily understand.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More Jobs Space Screenshots - UT Textures Applied

The textures applied to the Steve Jobs Space is indicative of the New technological age that we live in, my theme for the Jobs Space is 'The Long Road To Glory' which is represented by the elongated axis of the bridge, for a character walking through the environment, the aim is for them to experience journey to greatness via the long road which Jobs has travelled.