Tuesday, April 29, 2008

UT 2004 Screen Captures

Electro-Liquid Aggregation

Combination of Nightingale + Goodall Quotes:
"Standing out war with any man, involves a series of compromises,this is fine, as long as your values stay true"

This is the relationship which I have chosen to use in my meeting space. While the shape is large in size, reflecting the strengths and ambitions of Florence Nightingale, it also reflects Jane Goodall's theme of Compromise whereby there have been portions of the shape cut-out.

Axonometric Relationships

With these relationships, time did the better of me and I was forced to make compromises in terms of making th last few relationships look jazzy! I will fix these sometime later this week!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Further Devleoped UT2004 Environments

These are just small snippets of the early stages of development into my UT2004. These images show the workspace of Jane Goodall, which is outside the boundaries of the wall.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

UT2004 ScreenShots

New Axonometrics

The last 9 axonometric drawings centre around the quote given by Florence Nightingale - "I can stand out the war with any man". Thus many of the ideas from this quote are the basis for themes of strength and grandeur as well as might, characterised by the Bulky nature of these axonometrics.

The first 9 axonometic drawings centre around the quote given by Jane Goodall - "Lasting change is a series of compromises. And compromise is all right, as long your values don't change". Therefore many of the axonometrics in this section are based around themes of compromise and sacrifice, mirroring the smaller nature of these drawings as opposed to the strength exerted by the bulkier axonometrics which pictured the strong quote by Nightingale.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Client Quotes

"I can stand out the war with any man" - Florence Nightingale

“All the evidence shows that God was actually quite a gambler, and the universe is a great casino, where dice are thrown, and roulette wheels spin on every occasion” - Stephen Hawking

"Lasting change is a series of compromises. And compromise is all right, as long your values don't change" Jane Goodall

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Further Animations Contd.

Further Animations


New Story Boards

These are my 3 story boards from which my animations have been derived from.

Further Developed Model W/New Sections + Textures

With these images, I chose not to render every single surface with the custom textures I had created in order to avoid 'over-crowding' my model. With certain areas, I chose to scale my textures smaller in order to turn them into tiles, which gives more architectural emphasis to the model.

Further Developed Model W/New Sections Cont.

Further Developed Model W/New Sections

These are new images of my final model, while the other two or three sets of images showcased drafted models, this is my final one which includes both images taken when the model was rendered with the sketchup materials included in the program, and my own custom textures.