Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Further UT Development

The highly complex routes that lead towards the invidual clients elevators. The Jobs route is much more complicated as opposed to the winding Versace staircase - reflective of the complex job that Steve Jobs has - creating ground breaking technology.

The first photos of the meeting space - it is nowhere near complete yet its complexity reflects the challenges which have been faced by each client.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Client News Mash-Up

Mr. Jobs, Apple's chief executive, started out from a modest background, the daughter of a military officer has managed to take a well-designed hand-held gadget, add software connecting it to Mary’s little lamb. “It became tired,” Said Zhang sitting in a grand suite at the Waldorf-Astoria to introduce a men’s boutique at Barneys New York. She now she dominates the world's paper trade through her recording industry which found an elegant solution for ending its nightmare of digital fashion. In doing so, he has shifted the emphasis of Apple from what made it famous - hot pink. A brash brush stroke of lipstick feminism is now just another iPod colour.

Zhang does not go into detail about how she made her fortune, having been the proud owner of a vast set of matched pink leather luggage and hip, even lovable computers. In a society known for Macintoshes and Windows-based personal computers as well as close ties and hidden deals between government officials and business leaders, it prompted at least one fellow traveller to think that Barbie was on board - she says simply, "I'm an honest businesswoman." She hopes Ms. Versace would know and will keep paper relevant and profitable in the future.

Steve Jobs
Zhang Ying
Donatella Versace

David Barboza, "China's 'Queen of Trash' finds riches in waste paper", International Herald Tribune, Copyright 2007.
David Colman, "Just a few favourite indulgences", New York Times, Copyright 2008.
David Carr, "iCame, iSaw, iCaved", New York Times, Copyright 2007.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Background towards UT2004 Map Ideas

- Larger Scale represents the conquests of two women who had huge ambitions, the scale is reflective of the huge tasks they had ahead of them in terms of achieving their dreams and aspirations.
- The Nightingale Space is much more open, this reflects the powerful nature of her quote as a woman in the 18th century where male dominance was common. Such a large space is indicative of the large obstacles ahead of her.
- Goodall Space is much narrower and elongated, almost like a tunnel which represents 'a long road' with her research. The fact that the space is narrower is also refelctive of the sacrifices she has made to become a researcher.

UT2004 Environment FileFront Link


Final UT2004 ScreenCaptures- Nightingale Space

These Images showcase the workspace of Florence Nightingale.Notice, that in comparison to the Goodall Workspace it is much larger and more open. This is because, as a female nursing pioneer, amongst a society dominated by males, she was a small fish in a big pond. Therefore such a large space reflects the challenges met by Nightingale in her quest to take on man.

Final UT2004 ScreenCaptures- Meeting Space

The application of textures has been applied to three of these images which showcase the meeting space between Nightingale and Goodall. This Space is where Goodall and Nightingale can share ideas. Note the use of Dark (floor) Medium (on the axonometric Relationship) and Light (wall) Custom Textures. The Axonometric Relatinship also Showcases the powerful quote of Nightingale, blended in with the sacrificial themes which are central in the Goodall quote.

Final UT2004 ScreenCaptures- Jane Goodall Space

The Opening of the Goodall Space - Note how it is very narrow, this lace of space represents compromise and sacrifice. Also, In comparison to the Nightingale space it is very bare, signifying the lack of human interraction Goodall would have as she has dedicated her life to monkeys and chimps.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

New Textures

The representation of Light To Dark, And Dark to Light is shown In these Textures.

Friday, May 2, 2008

New UT2004 Screen Captures

These new screen captures are indicative of a change of render. On Consultation with my tutor I changed the wall and floor render to a grey stone which would allow for a further emphasis on shadow and lighting, thus giving the environemnt a greater edge.