Saturday, March 29, 2008

Stairs Cont.

These sections of stairs showcase another idea that I had for a second staircase, however, I thought against using these stairs. I have still included them on the site as they show my progression of thought through the design process.

Cross Section Stairs Cont.

This was my development of my very first Sketchup work. I had drawn a new abstract cross section from which this 3d model would be derived from. I also incorporated my 1st set of stairs in this model which ran through the centre of my sections both above and below the datum. Also, this model lacks an exhibition space, which essentially is incorporated in my later models.

New Cross Sections Inc. Stairs

These were the initial stairs that I had in mind for my 3d model, However with further thinking and development I was able to create better stairs which are showcased throughout my work.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stair Cross Section

This is a cross section of a set of stairs from the design studio lecture. Note that there are no risers in these stairs, theye so practical and simple, yet are so aesthetically pleasing.

Monday, March 17, 2008

3D Model Of Abstract Using Sketchup

This was my very first attempt of using Sketchup using the Photo Match feature. Hopefully my skills will greatly improve with time!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ricky Swallow

Contemporary, Fish , Crafting

Patricia Piccinini

Powerful, Desert, Guarding

Sidney Nolan

Controversial, Settlement, Defending

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Something Beautiful...

Although not having any relevance to the field of Architecture, this is something which personally, I find beautiful. Modern technology is no longer just limited to the ultra-sound, nowadays, pre-born children are able to be captured in a 4 dimensional video, allowing expectant parents the opportunity to catch a glimpse of their childs face and features. In this instance, this is my baby niece, when my sister was 6 months pregnant. I believe the most beautiful aspect of these images are the facial expressions depicted, such as the yawn on the top left hand corner and the smile on the bottom right hand corner.

Image that inspired me to be an architect

This is perhaps the defining image which has shaped my dream to one day become an architect. Dubai is home to awe-inspiring architectural pieces such as this building to the left, The world's lone 7 star hotel - "The Burj al Arab". This image has inspired me to be an architect because it showcases just how much the profession is able to alter an urban landscape, and how masterpieces are created when objects are represented through the architectural design, in this instance, the hotel resembles a sail of an Arabian dhow.